Top 6 Questions for Choosing a Cloud-Based Office Print Solution

Cloud questions to choose among cloud based office solutions

So, you’re looking into cloud based office solutions? 🚀

As the way we do business changes, the way we work with technology has changed too. More organizations are trading in their traditional print infrastructure in favor of new and advanced cloud based office solutions. In 2022, 43% of organizations had already implemented a cloud print management platform. That number will rise to 73% by 2025.

It’s not just about cloud; Technology modernization is about boosting user productivity, simplifying everyday interactions with tech, and investing in future-proof solutions. Beyond the cloud, 56% of organizations plan to increase investment in AI and machine learning.

Now, back to cloud print solutions.

Think about it this way; How many platforms that you interact with daily run on local servers? Whether it’s Office 365, Amazon AWS, or Salesforce, they’re all cloud-based. And now, it looks like your cloud migration questions have zeroed in on office print solutions.

Cloud migration questions companies need to ask prior to adopting cloud print technology range from understanding the software itself to the capabilities it enables. Common cloud questions put service model, ROI, deployment, infrastructure type, security, and scalability capabilities under the microscope.

Keep reading to understand cloud print solutions better and learn what questions you need to ask yourself and your potential solution provider when making the switch to cloud.


What is Cloud-Based Office Solutions in Print?

Before we dig into the cloud migration questions, you’ll need answers to, let’s first understand what cloud printing is.

📖 Read on → What is a Cloud Print Service?

Simply put, cloud printing enables users to wirelessly print any document on any networked printer(s) over the internet. This type of printing was made mainstream partly thanks to Google Cloud Print, which allowed users to quickly complete print jobs from any device connected to the internet, regardless of operating system.
While the benefit of this is self-explanatory for the personal user (you can complete print jobs without having to rely on connected printers or proximities), cloud printing can also exponentially benefit your office.

The use of cloud based office print solutions allows you to complete jobs without print servers. It also ensures you can enjoy reduced maintenance costs, stress-free software updates, manage printing parameters, and more.

With this type of system, you can expect:

  • Cloud high availability
  • Elastic architecture
  • Comprehensive security mechanisms
  • Little to no infrastructure dependency
  • Automated updates (including security)
  • Lower system costs
  • … and much more


6 Cloud Migration Questions for Switching to Cloud Print

Like any IT transition, the switch to cloud office solutions is not always easy. Your users already use (and understand) your existing technology, so it can be challenging to motivate an entire workforce to latch onto something new.

A great first step to get users motivated is to share the compelling reasons for why your IT department is looking into a cloud print solution.

📖 Read on → 5 Reasons to Investigate Cloud Migration Services for Print

To get you on the right path, we’ve put together a list of six cloud migration questions to ask your potential provider before you initiate the switch to cloud infrastructure.


1. Is the Solution a True Cloud Service?

Cloud-Based print solutions come in many forms, each with its own way of operating. Two of the most common approaches are “Infrastructure as a Service” and “Software as a Service.”

With Infrastructure as a Service, the management and maintenance of operating systems (OS), middleware, and applications remain an internal responsibility. With SaaS (Software as a Service), maintenance responsibilities are taken care of, enabling you to operate all sites and branches from one location.

True cloud print systems are entirely run from the cloud without any on-premises dependencies. The architecture makes maximum use of modern cloud technology, through a pay-only-for-what-you-use SaaS subscription model. Even more, they:

  • … can be seamlessly deployed from anywhere
  • … can be managed remotely (requires no on-site presence)
  • … offer a similar experience and service regardless of vendor
  • … enables scalable capabilities at a low cost
  • … remove the need for additional components such as VPNs
  • … support cloud-based user authentication (like Okta, Azure, and more)


What's the benefit of a true cloud service? Check that out in the link below.

📖 Read on → Manage Cloud Print with Cutting-Edge True Cloud Solutions


2. Does the Solution Offer Good ROI?

What business and revenue model is your solution provider offering? While a subscription model is expected with cloud-based systems, it’s important to understand what the subscription model is based on. Traditional managed print services are often based on paper usage, but that’s not the case with cloud solutions.

With different print services come different hardware and software costs. Many organizations struggle to keep track of the total cost of operating their print infrastructure. One of the benefits of relying on a complete cloud printing solution is that you can count on a transparent monthly or annual subscription fee that fits within your allocated budget. The subscription is based on parameters like users, devices, or licenses.

With SAFEQ Cloud, for instance, you only pay for the licenses you need.

Another benefit of opting for a complete package is that you can quickly scale up or down based on your operational needs. When you trade in your traditional on-premises print environment for professional cloud-based office print, you can expect to see a positive Return on Investment (ROI) within the first year.


3. Does the Provider Offer Both Public and Private Cloud Options?

Many organizations prefer a hosted public cloud service, while others choose an on-prem private cloud due to security concerns. A dedicated cloud solution provider can accommodate any of these use cases without sacrificing the features you need.

As the cloud makes print a utility, solution providers need to deliver their platforms in a flexible manner that supports any IT system, any IT department, any business size, and any workforce. Regardless of deployment, the software needs to be accessible at any time.

Explore Y Soft’s deployment options here: 

SAFEQ Cloud (Public cloud deployment)
SAFEQ Managed (Hosted private cloud deployment)
OMNI Bridge (Hybrid deployment gateway)


4. Is the Service Scalable Across All Significant Printer Brands?

Top-tier enterprise cloud office solutions do not limit your IT operations by depending on specific device brands. You should (and can) have the freedom to choose the correct answer that fits your print and capture needs today while having the flexibility to upgrade your fleet with any brand tomorrow. With brand-agnostic cloud print software, you can choose the printers that work best for your needs without getting constrained now or in the future. 

👉 Interested in scanning, too? Here's how you can untangle your scan process with Cloud-Based Document Digitization Software.


5. Do You Opt for Multiple Platforms or Converged Infrastructure?

To reduce deployment costs, simplify deployments, improve agility, and minimize the time spent on managing common ERP systems like print infrastructure, we recommend a unified architecture, I.e., converged print infrastructure. This software-based solution type converges storage and processes into one solution.

IT administrators continue to advocate the use of multiple operating systems to empower users to choose the best tool for their jobs, to cater to a distributed workforce, or to maintain a BYOD technology policy. With native cloud solutions, you don’t have to pick one or the other.

Cloud-converged print infrastructure allows you to let go of print management altogether.

SAFEQ Cloud enables easy and automated printing and scanning in a low-touch system, removes the need for pesky hardware, and ensures a high level of user flexibility due to brand agnosticism for both printer devices and operating systems.


6. Does your Cloud Platform Protect Against Security Concerns?

We have saved the single most important question for last. When considering cloud based office solutions, you can’t turn a blind eye to the infrastructure’s security readiness. 

📖 Read on → 10 Ways to Maintain a Secure Cloud Print Environment

It’s essential to ensure that the solution you pick is compliant with local and international legislation—and that it doesn't complicate your effort of being compliant with important government regulations such as the General Data Protection Regulation, GDPR.

Secure cloud-based office print solutions will enable you to define where data is located, how long it is stored, and who has access to it. 

Check out what’s included in a fully protected print solution SAFEQ Security

Some solutions will route all print jobs through the cloud—verify this with your service provider if you’re unsure. For security and bandwidth reasons, many organizations prefer to keep print jobs behind a firewall. With true cloud solutions, you can expect an implemented zero-trust security model, advanced encryption, access controls (usage rights), and more.


Final points

When it comes to delivering scalable and secure cloud office solutions that support distributed environments, we help ensure cost-effective cloud printing is available to all.

However diverse the requirements, our aim is to help users reduce their IT burden while achieving high system availability and reliance.

By finding answers to the cloud migration questions we’ve mapped out in this article, we hope you’ll get on the right track as you seek out different cloud strategies that suit your business.

As IT departments see a shift in their role and undergo a full-out IT transformation, we see more and more companies looking for cloud solutions that take the pressure off IT teams and are future-proofed.

These solutions need to be exhaustively protected with end-to-end encryption of data and user protection (plus authentication), be scalable for future needs, and be managed by the solution provider. A solution that gives you that and much more is SAFEQ Cloud.

But that’s not synonymous with the solution being the right one for you. That’s for you to find out!

To find out, book an expert-guided tour of the platform. During the demonstration, ask all the questions we listed above (and any other cloud questions you may have), and uncover what benefits the cloud printing solution has to offer.

Get a Personalized Demo and Free 30-day Trial