How to Increase Maximum Upload Size for Web Printing
By default, Web Print allows users to upload files with a maximum size of 20 MB.
This means you can easily print documents, images, or other files within this size limit without any issues. However, if you find that you frequently need to print larger files, you have the flexibility to adjust this limit to better suit your needs.
If you wish to modify this value, here are the steps to follow:
- Stop EveryonePrint Web service
- Open the EveryonePrint program folder (default: %ProgramFiles(x86)%\EveryonePrint )
- Make a backup copy of 'eop.xml' file
- Edit the 'eop.xml' file in a text editor like Notepad or similar
- Locate this tag and change the value (MB):<webmaxupload>20</webmaxupload>
- Save eop.xml
- Restart EveryonePrint Web Service