PC Client - Windows: AddPrinter Failed, Error Code 705

PC Client fails to sync printers

    [DEBUG] 2020-10-16 10:58:51.158 {10188} core::services::printersync              - Acquired 2 ports
    [DEBUG] 2020-10-16 10:58:51.159 {2616 } core::services::printersync              - Syncing 2 printers
    [DEBUG] 2020-10-16 10:58:51.165 {2616 } platform::windows::spooler               - xcv_data: ConfigurePort HCPMON12375 hcpportmon://Servest.eu.eophcp.com?portname=2375&storagetype=1
    [DEBUG] 2020-10-16 10:58:51.167 {2616 } platform::windows::spooler               - Creating printer Atalian Servest Printing
    [ERROR] 2020-10-16 10:58:51.172 {2616 } platform::windows::spooler               - AddPrinter failed, error code: 705
    [DEBUG] 2020-10-16 10:58:51.172 {2616 } platform::windows::spooler               - xcv_data: ConfigurePort HCPMON12459 hcpportmon://Servest.eu.eophcp.com?portname=2459&storagetype=1
    [DEBUG] 2020-10-16 10:58:51.173 {2616 } platform::windows::spooler               - Creating printer VIC-SecureInput-Simplex
    [ERROR] 2020-10-16 10:58:51.173 {2616 } platform::windows::spooler               - AddPrinter failed, error code: 705
    [DEBUG] 2020-10-16 10:58:51.174 {10580} core::services::frontend                 - Handling frontend command:]]>

    Two main reasons why you might have a port-add failure

    The Driver was not installed properly during the Client install: try to manually add the Driver ( download HCP driver from Partner Zoner)

    The Printer already exists on the user's PC with the identical name > Windows will throw an error if we try to add a printer with the exact same name