Explore How-To Steps for Seamless and Secure Application Distribution on Your Devices.
- GwHostKey: EveryonePrint Mobile Gateway URL like: gateway.domain.com. The full URL to the endpoint is automatically generated by the App with HTTPS, always encrypted.
- GwPortkey: 9444
- GwUserKey: <user-login> or any variable that will expand to the user login (depending on MDM) This is just the username. It must exist in AD or LDAP, and EveryonePrint server will check for the existence according to the LDAP/AD setup you've done in "User Authentication"
We don't have specific instructions for Intune MDM, but there is much literature on Microsoft sites or others explaining the deployment of Mobile Apps with Intune: e.g.
In addition about the Gateway and HTTPS: by default it's using a self-signed certificate; if customer likes to add security and uses their own certificate, please check documentation in section "3.4 Using a custom keystore file" > EveryonePrint Mobile Gateway Installation Guide
Intune App Protection Policy Settings and Data Sharing
The Send Org data to other apps setting in an Intune iOS protection policy determines what apps can receive data from this app. The EOP iOS app is known to not be compatible with the Policy managed apps option for this setting – it essentially restricts the Open With/Share With functionality.
This is because the EOP iOS app does not implement the Intune SDK, nor does it contain the necessary URL scheme to add an exemption for it into Intune.
Workarounds available are:
- Wrap the EOP app using the Intune wrapping tool. This requires an Apple Enterprise Developer account
- Ensure Send Org data to other apps is set to Policy Managed apps with OS sharing.