Exciting News for Linux Users: eop-lpd Service Enabled by Default in EveryonePrint 4.2.1 or Newer. Let's dive into the details in this article.
Starting from EveryonePrint for Linux 4.2.1 version, the eop-lpd service is automatically enabled and started by default.
4.2.1 [2017-06-13]
+ Ability to hide release link in Email Print tab
+ Allow email addresses for username when creating external guest accounts
+ Ability to allow a partial printer identifier match in subject of email
+ Add LPD server on Linux
+ Ability to hide release link in Email Print tab
+ Allow email addresses for username when creating external guest accounts
+ Ability to allow a partial printer identifier match in subject of email
+ Add LPD server on Linux
EveryonePrint runs its LDP server on TCP port 8515, and that cannot be changed.
iptables is used in the application to redirect incoming connection on LPD port 515 to this 8515
To verify that you can 'LPR' to the EveryonePrint LDP server you should do the following:
iptables is used in the application to redirect incoming connection on LPD port 515 to this 8515
To verify that you can 'LPR' to the EveryonePrint LDP server you should do the following:
- verify that the redirection is working using these commands
- cat /var/log/messages |grep redirect
- iptables -t nat -L
- telnet <server> 515 : then check in /opt/everyoneprint/log/lpdserver.log for message similar to :
2017-08-04 10:31:09,084 [main] DEBUG lpd.LPD run - Connection opened from:<br />2017-08-04 10:31:09,084 [main] DEBUG lpd.LPD run - trying to accept() socket connection.<em><br /></em>
Customer needs to run another LPD service on the same server hosting EveryonePrint for Linux, so it is necessary to stop and disable eop-lpd
Here are some useful commands:
- Check service status : active.
$ <strong>systemctl status eop-lpd.service<br /></strong>or $ <strong>systemctl status eop-lpd</strong><br />● eop-lpd.service - EveryonePrint LPD service<br /> Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/eop-lpd.service; <strong>enabled</strong>; vendor preset: disabled)<br /> Active: <strong>active</strong> (running) since Thu 2017-07-13 14:44:45 CEST; 1min 10s ago<br />.../...
- Stop service.
$ <strong>sudo service eop-lpd stop</strong><br />Redirecting to /bin/systemctl stop eop-lpd.service
- Check service status : stopped (but still enabled).
Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/eop-lpd.service; <strong>enabled</strong>; vendor preset: disabled)<br /> Active: <strong>failed</strong> (Result: exit-code) since Thu 2017-07-13 15:00:33 CEST; 1min 40s ago<br />.../...
- Check service is enabled.
$ <strong>systemctl list-unit-files | grep lpd</strong><strong>*</strong><br />eop-lpd.service enabled
- Disable the service (to prevent it is restarted at next reboot).
$ <strong>sudo systemctl disable eop-lpd.service</strong><br />or $ <strong>sudo systemctl disable eop-lpd</strong> (CentOS)<br />Removed symlink /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/eop-lpd.service.
Verify it is disabled.
$ <strong>systemctl list-unit-files | grep lpd*</strong><br />eop-lpd.service disabled
- After a reboot, eop-lpd service won't restart.
$ <strong>service eop-lpd status</strong><br />Redirecting to /bin/systemctl status eop-lpd.service<br />● eop-lpd.service - EveryonePrint LPD service<br /> Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/eop-lpd.service; <strong>disabled</strong>; vendor preset: disabled)<br /> Active: <strong>inactive</strong> (dead)