Color Blocking with YSoft SafeQ 6

The article describes the possibilities how to prohibit users from utilizing a color print/copy functions on the MFD.

The outcome might differ depending on the type of terminal that is used with the MFD. Behavior was verified with YSoft SAFEQ 6 build 92 and Embedded terminal 2nd Gen.


Changes in Rule Based Engine are not instant, the periodic synchronization to Site Servers is driven by a system parameter ruleBasedEngineConfigJobCronRule .
See content of <SafeQ6>\SPOC\conf\rools.drl on the Site Server to verify whether the changes were already synchronized.

To force printing/copying in grayscale for a specific role:

  1. Assign users who should be prohibited from printing in color to a specific role, for example "<role_bw>"
  2. Prohibit color usage for the "<role_bw>" ( YSoft SafeQ management interface -> Rules -> Access definitions)
  3. Create two rules (YSoft SafeQ management interface -> Rules)
    • rule 1
      • Trigger: On reception of job by YSoft SafeQ server
      • Condition: Job belongs to user with role "<role_bw>"
      • Action: Mark job with tag ForceBW
    • rule 2
      • Trigger: On job's delivery to the printer
      • Condition: Job has set system tag ForceBW to equal to
      • Action: Convert job to grayscale
    • Users prohibited from color printing will see their jobs on the terminal as grayscale jobs (finishing options do not have any effect on this behavior).
    • If you skip the step with denying Color in the Access definition, users will be able to make color copies, but the print jobs will be in grayscale, not even the Finishing options configuration will have an effect on the result.

To force everyone except for a specific role to print/copy in color:

  1. Assign users who should be allowed to print in color to a specific role, for example "<role_color>"
  2. Go to YSoft SafeQ management interface -> Rules -> Access definitions
    • Prohibit color usage for the role everyone
    • Create a new record for the "<role_color>" and allow color for this role
  3. Go to YSoft SafeQ management interface  -> System -> Configuration
    • enable showIncompatibleJobs
    • enable enableFinishingOptions
    • set finishingOptionsPriority to Finishing options have priority
  4. Create user tag "allowcolor" (YSoft SafeQ management interface -> Devices -> User tags)
  5. Create two rules (YSoft SafeQ management interface -> Rules)
    • rule 1
      • Trigger: On reception of job by YSoft SafeQ server
      • Condition: User is a member of the role "<role_color>"
      • Action: Mark job with tag allowcolor
    • rule 2
      • Trigger: On job's delivery to the printer
      • Condition: Job has set the user tag allowcolor to not equal to
      • Action: Convert job to grayscale
    • Users prohibited from color printing will see the print jobs on the terminal as incompatible. They will be able to expand the job details and print the job in grayscale as suggested by the terminal.
    • If a print job has ForceBW tag (assigned any other rule etc), it will be printed in grayscale no matter if there is allowcolor tag. Not even Finishing options configuration will have an effect on the result.
    • It is recommended to configure the print driver defaults to grayscale, that way, most of users will be using grayscale print, and those who really need to print in color and are members of <role_color> can change the print driver settings for a color print.