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How Long Does the Clerbo HR Tool Take to Implement?

Should you adopt new HR recruitment software or not? That’s the question, isn’t it? What can HR management tools really do for you?

It’s not always clear if it is nobler to keep on struggling with sluggish and expensive processes or take a chance on HR recruitment software that promises to help you work better.

Then comes the next wave of questions: How hard is it to install and properly implement new software? What are the initial costs and projected ROI? How long will it take to adopt and become savvy with this new HR tool?

These are all reasonable questions. Let’s start with how long it takes to implement an HR tool like Clerbo.

While human resources information systems (HRIS) can take weeks or months to implement, HR management tools like YSoft Clerbo can be up and running in a matter of days. The implementation timeline depends on the company's complexity, the nature of the implementation project, and the staff's technical knowledge.

In this article, we will dig deeper into the expected timeframe for implementing digital HR management software, using YSoft Clerbo as an example.


Clerbo HR Software for Small Businesses and Enterprises

If you ask someone who has implemented YSoft Clerbo, you’ll know that the application is easy to install. It can be up and running company-wide, worldwide, in just a few days. Their finance team would tell you that it dramatically reduced the cost of hiring and onboarding new workers. Hiring managers would testify that Clerbo helped them optimize their hiring process along with their preboarding and onboarding workflows.

Most folks who’ve used Clerbo would also say that, like a new broom, new software clears away the cobwebs that have collected on old-school processes. It gives HR teams the opportunity to make just about everything they do work better and faster.

The application comes with out-of-the-box templates that can be implemented as they are easily modified to meet a company’s specific practices and needs. Your new hire’s smartphone creates the space where onboarding and job training happen, freeing the new hire process from epidemiological concerns.

No software vendor understands your company, its products, and processes as well as you do. But chances are, those processes have grown in the wild over time. Clerbo’s effective structure delivers your company’s proprietary content in an easy-to-consume way that’s effortless to personalize for each new hire.

The HR tool helps grow new hires into seasoned employees who earn their keep sooner rather than later. It strengthens company culture. And it pays for itself even sooner than you dare imagine.

If that doesn’t answer your questions, ask the great Scandinavian company, IKEA. “We have insight info for all supervisors, mentors and HR, and, at the same time, it gives us a good overview about the training’s progress. Thanks to this, we have the data we need to improve our onboarding process.”, explains Ladislav Onderka, Recruitment and Onboarding Leader for CZ, HU, SK.


Time Well Spent on a Consolidated HR Tool

Adopting HR recruitment software like Clerbo is quick and time well spent. The application gives you a robust and modern hiring and retention platform—and a full Employee Experience and Learning Platform. That way, the solution effectively helps you manage the full employee lifecycle, from recruitment to saying goodbye.

Give your newbies the start they need by taking Clerbo for a test drive today! 

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