SAFEQ CLOUD Release Notes 


Release Type
Product Area
August 2024 SAFEQ Cloud 3.48 PC Client Auto-Update

IT administrators are outgrowing their old responsibilities. With SAFEQ Cloud 3.48, you no longer need to keep up with frequent software updates or...

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January 2024 3.40 Web admin interface enhancements

In the 3.40 version of SAFEQ Cloud, we're introducing new enhancements that aim to make the lives of IT administrators easier and further support...

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June 2023 3.34 OMNI Bridge Compatibility

OMNI Bridge is a new SAFEQ Cloud hardware appliance for those who need a reliable connector between their legacy print environment and the cloud....

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More Resources

SAFEQ Cloud 3.48 EntraID single tenant support

3.48 Entra ID Single Tenant Support

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University College Copenhagen Case Study

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3.48 SAFEQ Cloud development

Y Soft Introduces Sweeping SAFEQ Cloud Development

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