3.45 New Fixes and Enhancements

SAFEQ Cloud 3.45 Fixes and Enhancements

With SAFEQ Cloud V. 3.45, we bring you a list of fixes and feature upgrades, each small but significant in its own right. The new release gives you finished maintenance across embedded terminals, scanning, the web admin interface, and the PC Client. It's not just maintenance; it's improvement with intent.

📧 Delivered improvements in SAFEQ Cloud 3.45

  1. Sped-up authentication (HP Workpath Embedded terminal)
  2. Improved service screen and detailed logging (Konica Minolta devices)
  3. New Custom-Privileges Administrator support (Ricoh Cloud terminal)
  4. Optimization of the conversion from XPS to PDF when printing 
  5.  .. and more!

Get the full details of the new release right here:

Read the full 3.45 version history