It's the end of an era. Time to say goodbye to print management. Cloud-based printing is here to stay. Are you ready for it? 

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SAFEQ Cloud - RIP Print Management

Say hello to NPM
No Print Management

Print is the last thing any IT team wants to take care of. Instead of wasting resources managing print, you could be working on more strategic (and, quite frankly, more interesting) initiatives. If you don't want to be touching this stuff... why are you? 

The old world

  • IT as a support team, handling Helpdesk tickets, device issues, and more.
  • Complex, unscalable infrastructure
  • Multiple servers, drivers, and gateways to maintain
  • Multiple tools to handle from a variety of solution providers
  • Hard-hitting downtime
  • Manual security patches and compliance control
  • User frustration and inconsistent experiences

The Ideal World

  • IT as a business-generating team focused on meaningful work
  • Simple infrastructure fully managed by your solution provider
  • No server upkeep and one full-featured single driver
  • Converged solution from one single provider
  • High availability in the cloud
  • Autonomous security upgrades and enhancements
  • Simple and consistent UX regardless of what device you print to or where you print from

We love print management, so you don’t have to

Feeling overwhelmed by print management? Imagine a world with zero print management. Forget all about drivers, updates, and maintenance. 

Let SAFEQ Cloud take care of the hassle and liberate your IT team to focus on more meaningful work.

Your Journey to IT Freedom 

The world is changing, and so are you. Digitalization and cloud technology clears the path for IT teams to become business enablers and build the backbone of the digital enterprise–and spend as little time as possible on print.

Focused IT person

Transform and modernize your IT infrastructure

Unify and centrally manage your entire printer fleet (regardless of brand), go cloud-first, and strengthen your infrastructure resilience in a centralized cloud environment. Cloud-powered, self-managed solutions liberate your team from print management.

IT manager at home using SAFEQ Cloud


SAFEQ Cloud is designed for zero trust requirements. We apply a proactive, predictive approach to your print security, keeping your users and data safe for you.

Cloud Transition Program

Forge Your Path to Success in the Cloud—on Your Terms

Our SAFEQ Cloud Transition Licensing Program gives you all the flexibility you need to migrate your print to the cloud at your pace and on your terms. If you’re considering making the move to the cloud but need more time, this program is tailored to you.

Find out more

Maximize your productivity

Simplify complex deployments, minimize onsite presence, and remove manual labor. With a push of a button, your print works immediately, leaving your IT team with time to focus on projects that make a difference.


User flexibility

Embrace the hybrid work model and let employees work with the same level of efficiency and availability wherever they are.

Let's challenge the future of the industry!

Listen in on our 'No Print Management' Podcast and find out how vendors, peers, and
industry experts are challenging the future of print.

Florine Darmon - Podcast Thumbnail

Meeting Evolving CIO Priorities with Cloud Solutions

Václav Muchna - Podcast Thumbnail

Facilitating Customers' Need for No Print Management

John Harding - Podcast Thumbnail

Embracing the Challenger Mentality with Cloud Print Solutions

Leslie Peh - Podcast Thumbnail

Daring to make a difference in the print industry

Chris Bilello - Podcast Thumbnail

Taking Print out of Your Hands and Your Hair

Alastair Mackay - Podcast Thumbnail

A Massively Accelerated Shift to the Cloud

Paul Birkett - Podcast Thumbnail

Challenging the Future of the Print Industry


All the Capabilities you Need to Let Go of Print Management

Single print driver

Single print driver

Manage multiple print devices, domains, and networks, with one full-featured single driver.

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Serverless printing

Get rid of the costs and complexities of print servers—and redirect your resources to other valuable IT projects.

Embedded Terminal-1

Pure cloud terminal

Securely and quickly print documents without the need for additional software or hardware.

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Portable printing

Seamlessly connect mobile users and guests to the platform to print from their portable devices.

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Choose the printers that work best for your needs without being worried about getting constrained now or in the future.

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Operating Systems

Supports all major operating systems in the cloud as standard, to give users the flexibility to pick their favorite.