How Y Soft Approaches Bug Fixing

We focus on resolving critical bugs that impact our customers. We review and prioritize all customer-reported bugs daily, ensuring the most urgent issues are addressed first.

Bugs are ranked based on how much they affect our users. All customer-reported bugs are initially marked as Priority B. However, there is a daily triage process where our developers and support team review each bug to assess its severity and adjust its priority if necessary.

Prioritization of Bugs

The priorities for confirmed bugs are as follows.

Premium SLABugs reported as regressions and those reported by multiple customers are automatically classified as Priority A.

Priority A: As Soon As Possible

These are critical regression issues in which the application is significantly affected, preventing users from performing essential tasks, and no workarounds are available. All bugs impacting the Covered Experiences are treated as Priority A, and our goal is zero of these. Priority A bugs can be tracked on our status page.


  • Any security vulnerability that could affect many customers
  • Regressions on end-user workflows outside the covered experiences, such as downloading or updating a PC client, and email notifications
  • Regressions for administrators, such as pages not displaying or inability to make important changes through the web UI (e.g., adding new printers or changing settings)
  • Failures in deploying new embedded terminals

We aim to immediately start working on Priority A bugs and deploying fixes once verified and tested.

For covered experiences, our approach to fixing is to revert the change first, triage, and fix it later.

Priority B: High

These are significant issues in which a feature is unavailable, the application’s performance (for non-covered experiences) is notably reduced, or users’ ability to perform their tasks is impaired.


  • Problems deploying or configuring new features
  • The application is functional, but standard administrative functions are slow
  • Problems for administrators, such as pages not displaying or inability to make infrequent changes through the web UI (e.g., changing embedded templates, defining new triggers, re-configuring groups of printers)
  • Less commonly used functions are not working (e.g., stapling for a particular document type)

We aim to start working on Priority B bugs in the next development sprint and deploying fixes in the next regular update cycle.

Priority C: Low

These are minor issues where the application or a specific feature does not work as expected, but a workaround is available. Users’ experience is affected, but they can still perform their tasks.

Priority C bugs are typically addressed after all Priority A and B bugs have been resolved as long as there are no other urgent issues.