Wallan Primary School Case Study

Customer Profile

The Wallan Primary School is located in the regional town of Wallan, Victoria. With 600 students and 60 staff, the school has been in operation for more than 155 years. It caters to families in the low—to mid-socioeconomic profile and aims to create a safe and positive learning environment for all students. The curriculum is differentiated to cater to individual students’ learning needs.



Having established a longstanding relationship with Konica Minolta, Wallan Primary School sought to upgrade its printer fleet. Naturally, the school reached out to Konica Minolta, the incumbent provider, to obtain a quote. However, in order to ensure a comprehensive market comparison, the school also obtained a quote from an alternative provider. This approach ensured that Wallan Primary School had a well-rounded assessment of available options.

Wallan PS needed a highly competitive solution price-wise, as the school operates on a tight, fixed budget. The school also needed to work with a provider that delivered excellent service and would commit to keeping the school’s printers up and running. Furthermore, Wallan PS required a solution that would help the school monitor and control printing volumes.



Based on favorable pricing and the exceptional quality of service they had previously received as a Konica Minolta customer, Wallan Primary School decided once again to choose Konica Minolta for their printer fleet upgrade. To enhance its printing operations and promote waste reduction, the school opted to implement the SAFEQ 6 print management solution provided by Konica Minolta. This solution enabled Wallan Primary School to manage its printing activities closely and make significant strides in reducing unnecessary waste.

Jenny Bruce, Business Manager at Wallan Primary School, said, “The YSoft SAFEQ 6 solution requires teachers to use fobs to collect their printing from the machines. Any print jobs that remain uncollected after 24 hours are automatically deleted from the system. The SAFEQ 6 delivers comprehensive reporting that provides full visibility into who is printing what, and how much. This important functionality lets Wallan PS control printing costs.”

“The SAFEQ 6 delivers comprehensive reporting that provides full visibility into who is printing what, and how much. This important functionality lets Wallan PS control printing costs.


Since Wallan Primary School implemented the Konica Minolta solution with SAFEQ 6, they have seen significant reductions in paper wastage and toner usage. The school has become more efficient in managing these resources, resulting in less paper waste and lower toner consumption. This is a positive step towards being more environmentally friendly while also saving costs for the school.

Jenny Bruce said, “Since having the SAFEQ 6 in place, teachers are more accountable for their printing, and they can’t print jobs and leave them in the resource room. Consequently, the resource room is physically tidier, and the amount of printing done has declined dramatically. This has reduced paper and toner use, saving the school money and helping to protect the environment."

“The school hasn’t had to implement any specific rules around printing since the mere fact of improved visibility has meant that teachers have self-regulated their printing already. This is an excellent outcome.”

The school is now printing around 5,000 less color prints per month and has reduced monthly print spending on average from $2717.16 to $1265.16.

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