SAFEQ Case Studies | Y Soft

Unical AG Case Study Case Study | Y Soft

Written by Y Soft | Jun 18, 2021 10:00:00 PM

Customer Profile

Unical AG S.p.A. is an Italian company at the forefront of the heating sector. 
Founded in 1972 to plan and produce civil and industrial thermal groups, the organization has grown rapidly. It now offers a wide range of products for both domestic and professional requirements.

Their vision includes refining the best technologies on the market and always putting the customer first. Comfort, safety, and respecting the environment are all part of their priorities.


One of Unical AG drivers is advanced specialization. Even if they had a 
document management solution in place, due to strict regulations in place, they needed to ensure they were fully compliant. They required a solution that would guarantee security, privacy, and compliance for their print services environment. 

Unical AG wanted to increase flexibility and automation. They also hoped to 
simplify the way information was passed through their printers for print, copy, and scan. They strive to be a lean and flexible organization; the solution had to match this ethos.


Data and reporting are crucial in identifying areas of risk and security, but 
you can only fix the problem if you have visibility of it. Y Soft’s managed print services solution partner, Punto Docs, recommended YSoft SAFEQ 6 and use of its reporting module. Scan workflow and reporting is now used across four Unical AG sites. 

SAFEQ 6 Reporting is a key tool for us. It enables us to analyze print behavior in every area and department. Using this information, we have adopted key practices which have very quickly saved us money,” says Stefano Modena, CFO & CIO, Unical AG.

SAFEQ 6 now process document scans and deliver them to a defined home directory or to Unical AG’s Arxivar Document Management System. This automation simplified and streamlined the process for staff and made daily work easier.

The SAFEQ 6 reporting module provides fact-based details on scanned and printed documents by user, group, or device, providing an audit trail for all sensitive and confidential documents. With SAFEQ 6 reporting, an organization can easily and quickly access an in-depth analysis of its print and scan environment. It allows a business to analyze usage, identify potential areas of misuse, and apply rules to prevent future misuse. All this is managed within the print management portal.

SAFEQ 6 is a suite of intelligent and cutting-edge enterprise print, copy, and scan management software. This holistic and comprehensive solution comes with many benefits. It reduces costs, enhances document security, increases workflow productivity. SAFEQ 6 can even help organizations achieve their sustainability and environmental goals. 


Once SAFEQ 6 was installed, Unical AG experienced many benefits. 
The in-depth information from the reports provided an audit of the full print 
environment, with all activities automatically recorded. This shows Unical AG how their multifunction printers are being used, ensuring their print environment is secure and users are adhering to internal policies. This information is used to optimize and protect documents. Departments reported cost and time savings almost straight away. Core savings were realized by introducing rules around color and double-sided printing.

This has enabled us to streamline our procedures and simplify the ongoing daily work and maintenance by our IT teams. Thanks to Print Management Suite, Unical AG has seen an increase in productivity and enhanced document security. Maximizing results and minimizing costs.” Stefano explained.

Using authentication meant that there were no more abandoned print jobs. The key requirements of compliance, privacy, and security were achieved. Documents are only available for the intended recipients, for both print and scan. The solution simplified the scanning process, which increased accuracy. 

This user-friendly solution was greatly appreciated by both users and 
management. Reports may be quickly accessed and broken down as needed. There is full transparency of the solution cost, and customer care is available 365 days of the year.