UK Accessibility Statement

At Y Soft, we’re committed to ensuring SAFEQ 6 meets UK accessibility standards and provides inclusive access across web, mobile, and on-premise solutions.

Y Soft is committed to making its SAFEQ 6 print management system accessible in accordance with the Public Sector Bodies (Websites and Mobile Applications) (No. 2) Accessibility Regulations 2018. This accessibility statement applies to on-premises, web-based components, and mobile applications.

Compliance Status

SAFEQ 6's web components and mobile application are partially compliant with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines version 2.2 AA standard due to the non-compliances listed below.

Non-accessible Content

The content listed below is non-accessible for the following reasons:

  • Some images may not have alternative (alt) text descriptions (1.1.1)
  •  Logo and icons may not have alternative (alt) text descriptions (1.3.1)
  • Some tables require horizontal scrolling (1.4.10)
  • Some functions cannot be performed by keyboard alone (2.1.1)
  • Some links are missing text descriptions (2.4.4)
  • Some menus are presented without a search function or alternate way to locate a page (2.4.5)
  • Some elements have no keyboard focus (2.4.7)
  • Some elements do not use names and roles (4.1.2)

The dashboard and reports are end-user-facing web pages. Administrative web pages include the dashboard, printers, and scan workflows.

Preparation of This Accessibility Statement

This statement was prepared on August 22, 2024, utilizing SAFEQ 6 Build 97.
The statement was prepared using a website and mobile application evaluation.

The statement was last reviewed on December 3, 2024.

Feedback and Contact Information

Feedback may be given by emailing Y Soft's Product Management team at

Enforcement Procedure

The Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) is responsible for enforcing the Public Sector Bodies (Websites and Mobile Applications) (No. 2) Accessibility Regulations 2018 (the ‘accessibility regulations’).

If you’re not happy with how we respond to your complaint, contact the Equality Advisory and Support Service (EASS) at