Pull Printing


Sharing multifunction printers introduces a security risk, where jobs are printed but not collected, and remain waiting at the printer. The solution is secure print release or pull printing (print roaming).

SAFEQ - Growth Platform

Print Roaming allows users to submit print jobs from their computer, mobile or tablet. These print jobs are held in a secure queue until the user authenticates at any device, using security measures such as a PIN, swipe card or QR code to release the documents for print. This minimizes the risk of confidential documents falling into the wrong hands.

Instead of managing multiple print queues on print servers, with serverless print roaming and our full-featured single-driver technology, you can implement a single pull print queue for all users, all printers, across all locations - worldwide. SAFEQ Cloud provides a number of secure output options.

Traditional Print Environment
Enhanced in the Cloud

Location aware printing-2Location-aware printing

A simple but game changing enhancement to direct printing is location-aware printing. Users have access to printers without having to install devices or drivers. SAFEQ Cloud’s location-aware platform automatically discovers and shows users the available printers at their location, allowing them to print immediately, wherever they are, without having to call on IT for help.

Direct Print-02-1Direct print

The simplest option for office-based workers who prefer to submit print jobs directly from their PCs. It’s easy to simply select a printer on the computer, press print and collect from the device. Print queues can be set-up by location and are created automatically for each printer the user is allowed to print to. The only thing that goes back to the cloud is metadata for reporting.

Secure pull printing

Secure pull printing (print roaming) solutions have historically relied on manufacturers’ print drivers, specific to the make and model of printer, resulting in either a pull print queue per brand, or misprints if the right queue isn’t used.

SAFEQ Cloud helps further simplify IT infrastructure. Instead of having to manage different print queues on different print servers for the multiple brands in your fleet, SAFEQ Cloud’s full featured single print driver enables a single global print queue that even includes complex print job attributes across a multi-vendor fleet.


One platform, hosted everywhere

ysoft icon_circle_positive_Print AuthenticationAuthentication options

Implementing user authentication at the printer prevents documents from being printed when the user isn’t present. This is not only important for information security, but also for reducing the cost of unclaimed print-outs.

Single print driverEmbedded client

An embedded application on the touch panel of the MFP, enables end-users to connect securely to the cloud to release print jobs. SAFEQ Cloud is a mixed fleet and vendor-agnostic service, featuring embedded clients for all major manufacturers. SAFEQ Cloud supports PIN or ID and password and card reader with ID card integration authentication methods, providing a seamless end-user experience following migration to the cloud.

ysoft icon_circle_positive_Mobile PrintMobile phone app

An alternative to QR code is to use our mobile phone app. Users can select the printer to release the document to once they are present at the device, so jobs can be released.

ysoft icon_circle_positive_Card Reader Authentication kopieIP card reader

Secure print release can be enabled with a contactless swipe of an ID card. Once an individual authenticates at the device, the card reader communicates with the cloud server, retrieves a list of print jobs and releases them.

Authentication options
Embedded Client
Mobile phone app
IP card reader
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How To Keep Company Data Protected with Pull Printing

Pull printing is one of SAFEQ Cloud's key features. The feature helps ensure higher security in printing setups and IT environments, by creating a second authentication step in office printing procedures, by the print station. Learn how you can keep company data protected with secure pull printing.

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