Take the Cloud Readiness Quiz

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Get ready to

Get print off your hands and into the cloud

Do you currently have a cloud strategy in place? Do you want to get more or all of your IT infrastructure in the cloud but you keep running into roadblocks? Then this cloud readiness quiz is for you!

cloud readiness quiz

We make it easy for you!

Self-evaluate your cloud maturity

Let’s find out if your print architecture has what it takes to get migrated to the cloud. With the cloud-readiness quiz below, we'll let you define your own success based on the following characteristics:

  • Architecture complexity
  • Cloud-ready applications versus customization-requiring applications 
  • Technical infrastructure
  • Current level of print security implementation
  • .. and more



What’s in it for you?

This quiz is just as effective for organizations who are new to the cloud as those who are further along on their journey. After you've answered the questions (4 minutes to complete), you’ll get your results. The results will tell you whether you are a starter, striver, or spearheader.

Say hello to NPM
No print management

What's so great about a solution like SAFEQ Cloud? It takes care of the print management hassle and liberates your IT team to focus on more meaningful work. Simplify your print infrastructure and make life easy for IT and everyone printing!

Start Demo Now
YSoft SAFEQ Cloud - No Print Management