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Breaking Barriers: The Twinging Cost of Not Adopting HR Tech Tools

Costs of not adopting modern HR tech services and tools

What are the barriers to investing in HR tech services? Even more important, what are the ramifications of not making that investment?

Whoever first said, “A penny saved is a penny earned,” obviously didn’t work in HR. Anyone whose job it is to find, sign, train, and retain qualified employees knows that “penny-wise, pound-foolish” is the more appropriate aphorism.

Here’s why.

It's expensive to find and sign new employees. The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) estimates that the average cost per hire is nearly $4,700. With recruiting and interviewing (preboarding and onboarding), that number rises to upward of $15,000 per new hire. If it doesn't work out, that’s a $15K net loss.

If your new hire leaves without earning their keep, your company will spend another $15,000 on another new employee in hopes of a better result. That’s $30K invested, and you’re still holding your breath and crossing whatever digits you have spare in the hope that you get it right.

The Value of Digital HR Tech

Especially these days, when face-to-face encounters often seem perilous, HR technology goes far to help companies find, evaluate, court, hire, and train keepers. The safe, positive hiring and onboarding experience that the right HR tech tools deliver not only expedites the experience every step of the way but also makes the new hire feel respected and safe.

‘Safe and respected’ matters because confusion and apprehension can easily undermine a new hire’s confidence in themselves and their new employer.

HR tech innovation with an easy-to-use technology interface that protects the privacy of user data builds trust and confidence. One that’s easily mastered accelerates your path to a positive ROI—especially if it migrates seamlessly from a new hire’s personal smartphone to their work PC.

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3 Barriers to Investing in Digital HR Tech

According to Tech Informed, there are three main barriers that block companies from adopting HR tech tools into their tech stack. These are:

  1. Challenges with integration
  2. Lack of HR tech knowledge
  3. Cost of change

Companies with a long history of business often have a patchwork of existing HR systems, each serving a specific function. Integrating new digital tech tools into an existing system can prove challenging, and many HR teams consider this a main hurdle to further investment in HR tech innovation.

Then there’s also the question of how tech-savvy your HR team and company are. The lack of awareness and openness to digital HR technology is a significant barrier to its adoption within organizations. This is true for both complementary solutions and catch-all substitutes.

Lastly, the cost of change is a key roadblock for investing in new technologies, including HR tech tools. In spite of HR technology’s many undeniable benefits to an organization’s operations (even long-term costs), financing such a change does not come cheaply.

The question is: Is the initial investment worth the long-term cost savings? Let’s look at what that answer looks like with YSoft Clerbo. 


The Clerbo HR Tool Breaks Barriers

YSoft Clerbo was designed to address these barriers efficiently, securely, and cost-effectively using one consistent, user-friendly application interface.

While there’s no way we can guarantee you’ll choose the right applicants, once you do, we’ll help you hook, preboard, onboard, train, and support their tenancy and growth in your company—without risking the high cost of a wrong choice or a poor onboarding experience

The Clerbo digital HR tech solution is a full, consolidated employee experience platform that easily replaces multiple isolated systems and provides all your HR teaching tools needs in one solution.

The interface saves time and money throughout the hiring process and continues to pay its own way as new hires grow into company assets. Now, let your HR specialists be just that: specialists. With all that paperwork off their desks, feeding a cost-effective recruitment beast has never been easier.

Ready to unleash the true power of your HR team? Sign up for your free Clerbo demo today!

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