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3D Printing in Education - Part 12: 3 Tips for Educators | BE3D Blog

Written by Jan Veselý | Dec 18, 2017 8:00:00 AM
In this blog series, many topics were introduced as considerations for bringing 3D printing into the classroom. All the topics are important, and each school has its own priorities.
As this 12-part series draws to a close, here we summarize and combine the topics as top tips and provide links to where you can read more.

Top 3 Tips for 3D Print Educators


Tip #1. Find The Right Solution For Your School, Including Print Management

While 3D printers are great devices by themselves, they are a shared resource in a school environment. Like it or not, this means they may be subject to abuse. Schools need to control who has access, the 3D models printed need to be secure from theft, and, in many schools, schools need a way to recoup the costs by having students pay to print.

This means the 3D printer has to be part of an overall solution. Luckily, such a solution exists for 2D (paper printers) and is likely already in use at your school—it is called print management. It ensures that students can have direct, authorized access when they need it.
The solution must also provide the school administrator with easy tools to manage and perform maintenance monitoring. Be sure to consider the school's overall needs, not just the cost of an individual 3D printer.

Learn more by reading these blog articles about 3D print management.
Part 2: Do You Need 3D Printers?
Part 4: The Business Case for 3D Print
Part 6: Finding Your Ideal Solution

Tip #2. Talk with other schools, learn what works and what doesn’t

As a shared resource, 3D printing in education has unique requirements. Does it make sense to have 3D printers in the classroom or a dedicated lab room? Which classroom subjects can benefit the most from 3D printing? While science, technology, engineering, and math subjects may come to mind, schools can expand their investment by incorporating 3D technology in many different subjects.

We studied 3D printing in a technical high school for over a year to learn how students use the printers and how school administrators need to manage their use. You can read more about these experiences or talk to schools in your area that have 3D printers to learn from them.

Consider the entire 3D printing ecosystem, from the CAD files to expanding your 3D print fleet. For example, will your students be primarily using existing CAD files of models created by others, or will they be creating their own designs? If the latter, you may need to consider CAD software as part of your 3D print capabilities.
If using existing CAD files, there are resources listed in our blog articles. These blog articles will provide more detail on this subject.

Part 5: Creating the Physical Environment
Part 7: Introducing 3D Print to the School
Part 8: Designing for 3D Printing
Part 9: Building a 3D Printing Curriculum
Part 11: Expanding Your Environment

Tip #3. Consider the total cost of 3D printing & how to recoup costs

Just as the purchase of a car goes beyond the price of the car itself (maintenance and repairs, petrol, insurance), 3D printers also have ongoing costs to consider. With 3D printers, in addition to the cost of the printer itself, there are these costs:
  • Materials – called filaments, this is the actual 3D print material used to create the model.
  • Maintenance and repairs – Proper maintenance will ensure that the printer parts are in good working order. Who will perform this maintenance? Similarly, parts will need replacing, and after all this is used by students, there might be occasional damage.
  • Facility costs – whether it is electricity usage or physical space allocations, 3D printers need to be accounted for in facility management.
Having 3D printers as a managed service will help manage material usage, maintenance, and repair. 2D printer manufacturers and their services and sales channels are well suited for providing excellent support. They are also very well educated on print management solutions and can assist in this area.

Consider offering 3D printing as a pay-to-print service at the onset or later as the use expands. Be sure to choose a 3D print solution that offers this option.

These blog articles provide more detail on costs and how to recoup them
Part 3: How Much Does 3D Printing Cost?
Part 10: Maintaining Your 3D Printers
You've made it through the 12-part series—great job! If you're hungry for even more knowledge about the successful adoption of 3D printing in schools, look no further. In the article below, we'll take you through a list of key factors that determine how successful your 3D print adoption will be. Enjoy the read.