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Robots Are Part of The Y Soft Team | AIVA Blog

Written by Jakub Pavlák | Dec 16, 2019 8:00:00 AM
Artificial intelligence (AI) is being used more and more to enhance and improve our lives, even saving them. From robots delivering our online shopping to algorithms identifying life-threatening diseases, this technology is a game-changer for every aspect of life. This article focuses on how Y Soft is using robots to benefit both our customers and our employees.



As Forbes reported in September 2018, machines are better at repetitive tasks such as analyzing vast amounts of information quickly. In this digital era, there is more data than ever before, so harnessing AI’s skill set benefits humans, releasing us from repetitive, mundane tasks and allowing us to focus on more motivating activities that require a higher-level set of skills.

Since our inception in 2000, we have carried out extensive manual testing on all our solutions. Four years ago, our manual testers were keen to develop and progress their careers within Y Soft, but manual testing was hindering them. So, we looked at how we could use technology to release our team from monotonous manual testing.
We believed that robots would be a more efficient way for repetitive activities such as testing; they can operate 24/7, we could have more robots running simultaneously, and they are better at certain activities. We have already worked with two technical universities in Brno, and as a result, we approached their robotic thesis students and invited them to work with us to find a solution.



As part of our Applied Research and University Relations (ARUR) program, three students joined Y Soft over the summer of 2014 to design, develop, test, and present the prototype. Despite the first prototype not being fit for purpose, it showed real potential. The team worked tirelessly for another two years to develop the prototype into a fully operational robot. During this time, the team focused on research-related technologies, developing functionality that not only released the team but also added value to the testing process.

One notable development was computer vision, which allows the robot to react to a situation and take the appropriate action, such as capturing and confirming a message, repeating a tap, starting the repair, or stopping testing. In addition to computer vision, the team developed smart actions for the robot to locate specific icons or buttons instead of specific coordinates, which is beneficial for testing on various devices with different layout placements.

The video below shows one of our robots finding and touching an icon on an iPhone, a vital requirement for the testing process and something the robots had to be able to do for all devices and operating systems. 

Y Soft robot demo 1: Find and touch the Y Soft icon on an iPhone

The dexterity of the robots was a key element. As the video below shows, some of the actions required clicking on icons and buttons of varying sizes located in specific areas of a device’s user interface.

Y Soft robot demo 2: Input your PIN at a multifunction printer to validate your ID



Thanks to our robots, not only has our team been able to develop their chosen careers in Y Soft, but we have also improved our testing processes. The robots can carry out more activities and measure the time it takes for the software to react more accurately. For example, robots can test milliseconds as opposed to humans, who may struggle to test anything in under a second.

This testing means that our solutions are not just fit for purpose but deliver excellence at every stage of the print, scan, and copy process. Thanks to the hard work of our robotics team, our robots not only fully test our solutions but allow us to test more than before. The videos below show our robots in action.

Y Soft robot demo 3: Select your chosen job at the MFD (multifunctional device)


Y Soft robot demo 4: Mobile application validation and verification



Since late 2018, our robots have been using AI to enhance computer vision and detect what is happening on the test screen. AI has helped us considerably with computer vision speed and accuracy, and accuracy is key because when computer vision tells the robot the wrong information, the robot will typically make the wrong decision.



Robots offer huge potential for other organizations to benefit from robotics in terms of simulation and testing. At Y Soft, we believe that companies will productize robotic testing and create robots that can be used across multiple industries to test and simulate products prior to release. Watch this space!



Robots allow us to better support employees and customers. We use our team of robots not to replace humans but to work with us to enhance our work lives. They allow us to focus on more creative and motivating work. They speed up processes and allow us to test more scenarios to improve our customers’ experiences and internal efficiency. Robots are definitely our friends.

Want an example of how robotics like YSoft AIVA can help your product development and testing? Let's look at AIVA as a card reader tester!